The Olay rebate deal is back again with a bang! If you remember last year you could get these sets in the store and then mail in for a $10 rebate in place of an Allure magazine subscription. This year they are not out on the stores yet but you can order one online and still get the same deal. As you can see above not only can you get the gift basket but some also come with a bunch of samples! has the Olay – Venus gift caddy with caddy + Bonus 1 year subscription to Allure (regularly $10, but currently 10% off). You can also get FREE shipping to your home…. If yo duo not want the Allure magazine subscription you can get a $10 rebate instead found here through 6/30/2012.
To submit for your rebate, find the card inside your package and submit with the rebate form found here (print entire page and fill out form at bottom of page). You’ll get back $9.99, which makes this deal more than free. Thanks Hip2Save.
There are 2 gift baskets that you can choose from. The Sensuous Skin Care Gift Pack and the same pack just a #2 in pink. You can also consider getting a few of them and mailing in for the $50 P&G rebate found HERE.
This is what to do:
- Go HERE to
- In the search type “Olay Caddy”
- You will see both options for the pink and purple caddy.
- Choose home shipping to get it mailed free!
- Submit for $10 Allure Rebate and you can submit for the $50 ( get $10 back) rebate HERE.
Basically you are getting the caddy’s for free if you send in the rebate, it becomes a money maker with the other rebate. Last year people had to call and follow up to make sure that they got there rebates, but they eventually came.
You can read HERE how a reader got $139 back from her rebates last year.
is the rebate limited to just one ?
yes, IS the rebate limited? the forms website makes no mention. also, if you order online, im pretty sure you can go through ebates and get 2% cash back. 🙂
referal for those who dont have ebates:
Is the Allure Rebate limited to one person/one household? Does anyone know? I would love to get several if I can get the $10 rebate back on each one. But I’ve done rebates before, where it says one household per rebate. In that case, I would NOT get more than one. Please help!
In reading the fine print it says “copy” of the receipt not original and there is no mention of a limit on the rebate form… unless they change the form midway through after seeing so people try to score this (because you have to have your code so they could technically change it at any time and then people who haven’t entered it yet would have to go by new rules—since you can’t “print” the current form) That’s the only thing that worries me about it.. but left as is there is no mention of limit at all now has the gift set reduced to $9.00! Wish I had the spare dough on me.
I am confused, I ordered the gift basket but don’t see the rebate for $10 back if you don’t want the Allure magazine. When I click on the link it is for ordering the magazine. What do I need to do?
it is in the basket when it comes
I just received mine today, and I don’t see anything in the basket besides the little card with the free Allure subscription. When I go to that, am I supposed to choose ‘No Thanks’, then fill in my redemption code and information to get the $10 rebate? Or is my basket missing something that I need to be able to get the $10 rebate?
I just re-read the fine print at the bottom of the redemption link and answered my own question!
Just ordered one so I can check out the fine print on the rebate form and see if it’s one per household or not, I didn’t see any mention of it on the online form. Thanks for the heads up on this great deal!
I have a question. I would like to do multiple gift sets and rebates. I will assume the rebates are one per household. Can I buy multiple sets in one transaction and send copies of the receipt in for the rebate, or do I need to do multiple transactions, and send a new receipt with each rebate?
I would do multiple transactions
for the $50 ( get $10 back) rebate, would i have to write out the sku numbers for the products of 2 baskets??
That’s what I was wondering too. I have quite a few of the same products that could add up to the $50, but only if I could put the price of multiple products on one line. (Example – I have bought a few bottles of the same Covergirl foundation, but I would need to put the barcode and add up the total of all the foundations for the price line after). I hope that makes sense. I guess I’ll just try it out and see if they give me the rebate for doing it this way.
what part of the allure rebate do i fill out??
How do you get the free shipping without having to spend $45.00?
I wondered the same thing, I just put the $9 item in my cart and checked out. Shipping was free (no minimum) and there was tax added.
Well I ordered 5.. all in one transaction Hope I don’t get burned on this deal because if a company ever does me wrong I don’t go back with their products and since there is no menton of a limit and they deny me then yes I will think that’s wrong because I will then be stuck paying for 44 dollars worth of product I would not have bought otherwise.
I just got my 3 baskets today via Fedex, got them in 3 days, I ordered them very late Sunday evening. the card inside does not have any limit on it either, just refers you to the web page. I’m going to attempt submitting this 3 times and see what happens. So glad it says only a copy of your receipt! Thanks so much for sharing this deal. = )
I just got my basket today. No samples, bummer. 🙁 My problem is that there was no packing slip. I have contacted about and am waiting for a response. I don’t see how I can submit a copy of a valid receipt without the packing slip, wouldn’t that be my receipt for an online order?
@Kristi, you should be able to log back in to your your account and print a receipt (just another copy of your packing slip) from your order history. I have done this before. Hope this helps!
walmart is currently showing these as out of stock today. I ordered my basket Monday and received it Tuesday.
Got mine today… gonna submit and see what happens *fingers crossed* These would make great gifts for the ladies at my son’s daycare so I hope it all works out!!
I ordered this on Sunday and got it today! I didn’t get any cool samples like in the picture, but I did happen to get a little 2-pack of Halloween Febreze flameless luminary refills, and I’ve really been wanting to get one of these, so I think I’ll get one as an Christmas gift for myself! 🙂 There was also a little coupon booklet inside with these coupons:
– $2/1 Olay body wash, bar soap, or body lotion
– $2/1 Secret Clinical Strength AP/Deo (ETS)
– $2/1 Clairol Hair Color
– $1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser
Hope this helps! I’ll see how long it takes me to get my refund!
So, I just got my gift pack in the mail today but when I got everything ready to send in for the rebate, I realized that my packing slip doesn’t have a date on it. I went to the Walmart website to see if I could print off another one that would include the date, but it also doesn’t have one. I know the rebate rules say you have to send in the receipt within 30 days of purchase, but they won’t know when I purchased it since it doesn’t have the date! Has anyone else noticed this? I don’t want it to not work out just because they can’t prove that I bought it and sent it in within 30 days. Do you think I could also print off my order summary and send it in with the packing slip as proof? I’m just not sure what to do!
Does anybody happen to have a .pdf of the website rebate info? I bought my caddy back on Oct. 23rd but just today got around to filling out the rebate…when I checked the day I bought it is said I had 30 days to fill it out. Now the website with the rebate is gone! UGH. If anybody has a copy of the form I would be forever thankful!!
I’m in need of one also. I have one printed off but it already has my info on it. Cannot believe that they pulled the rebate form!
I do! Email me, Put the subject as REBATE please
they changed the form! now says limit one per household…
I’m using the old form that I had. I already made my purchases and had them in the envelopes before even seeing there was a change. That’s unfair to customers.
Has anyone actually received their rebate in the mail? I bought three and sent mailed them seperately. Yesterday I got a letter saying the refund threshold had been met and they could not issue me a refund.
I got the same letter. I bought two and only got the rejection letter, no check. I should at least get one. I called the number on the top of the “Glamour” letter I received, and that lady knew nothing about anything! I am going to try more numbers tomorrow.
just got my denial letter and no refund even though the form i mailed in didnt have a limit! going to be calling not happy with the company!
Not happy with P&G right now. I have mailed them a rebate form and fulfilled the requirements last September for the $20 rebate on $50 worth of Olay products. It’s already 2012 and I never got the check and when I called they said they have no record. No letter, no nothing. SCAMMERS!