I wanted to post this again in case you missed my Top 10 Coupon Deals from yesterday. Use your $2.50 Poligrip Coupon at Walmart to score it for FREE + $.78 overage! Walmart Carries the .75 oz size for $1.72 so you can score big if you have a few papers! Let’s not get crazy and try to bring home a paycheck!
Super Poligrip .75 oz: $1.72
$2.50/1 Poligrip Denture Adhesive, exp. 5/7/13 (RP 04/07/13)
Total: FREE + $.78 overage!
Is there a limit on the number of these coupons that can be used in one transaction. I thought I saw on another site that it was limit 4, but the coupon itself doesn’t state this restriction. Thanks!
if the coupon doesn’t state a restriction there is no restriction. Some stores impose their own restrictions, but it isn’t a mandatory thing.
I wish we would of got these Q’s in Tulsa. This is something I use and being a mm I no there is no way I can make a trade on them but thanks for posting the great deals you do.
Thecouponclippers.com has them I just ordered 60 of them
Is it possible that some Red Plums are different? I have been searching through my RP from 4/7 looking for the poligrip and wet n wild coupons and they are not in either one of the 2 RP that came in the Sunday paper this week (yesterday). I checked multiple times just to be sure I wasn’t overlooking them and still no luck.
There were 2 red plums, did you check and or get both of them?
I did get both of the Red Plums this week. Maybe can you tell me what other coupons are on the same page as the poligrip or wet n wild? I don’t get why it isn’t in any of mine. I went dumpster diving and we have 20 of each insert (whaooo).
I am going thru each and every RP again just to be absolutely sure. Am I the only one who cant find these coupons? Thanks for your help Paul! I LOVE Iheartthemart. I am on your site everyday and I am so thankful that you started this. I am a stay at home Mom of 2 in Utah and you have helped me so very much to save money and build my stockpile! Thanks again!
I didn’t find them in my Redplums either. Nor on the Redplum site
Look at Redplums homepage, there are some to print with the same size and amount.
YAY I love freebies! Thanks for finding this deal! Now I wonder if there’s other uses you can use
Super Poligrip for besides Dentures. If not my grandma will be swimming in the stuff lol.
Poly Grip coupon not in either RP insert in my area.
My walmart wouldn’t let me use this coupon