6 FREE Products! Choose from business cards, stamps, t-shirts, sticky notes, flip books and tote bags! The products are FREE, just pay for shipping and processing. Design a flipbook of all of your winter photos to keep your memories close at hand. Tote all of your belongings with a customized tote bag. Great for gifts or to keep for yourself, Vistaprint’s 6 free products are personalized and affordable! Get ALL 6 items shipped to your home for around $11.50!! Making them only $1.99 each! This is what to do:
- Click here and choose any of the FREE items to personalize
- Start personalizing your item by choosing a design and customizing it
- When done, add the item to your cart
- Now click back on this link again and choose another FREE item, do the same thing
- Personalize and add to your cart
- Keep doing this until you have added all of the free products you’d like to your cart
- Head to checkout
- Do NOT add any additional items to your order.
- On the partners offers page, make sure to SKIP all the offers by leaving the boxes unchecked.
- Choose standard 14 day shipping (which will vary based on the number of items added to your cart)
- Your cart total should be around $11.91 shipped for all 6 items listed!
Treat yourself at a low cost this week because six essential premium Vistaprint products are now FREE. They have beautiful designs and it only takes a minute to make them!
I made the cutest cards and stickers this morning and can’t wait to get them! Plus, enjoy FREE uploads!
Individual shipping prices:
Business cards – $7.09
Flip book – $7.30
Stamp – $7.10
T-Shirt – $5.52
Sticky Notes- $5.67
Tote Bag: $5.52
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