Have you ever bought the White Cloud wipes? You might have a reason to now! They are only $.50 a pack after the All You coupon. In the past few issues there has been a $1 off on any White Cloud product, use it on the wipes! Thanks Deal Seeking Mom!
White Cloud Wipes, $1.50
$1/1 White Cloud Ultra or Green Earth Item, exp. 7/31 (ALL YOU May)
$1/1 White Cloud Product , exp. 8/7/11 (ALL YOU June ’11)
$1/1 White Cloud Product , exp. 8/28/11 (ALL YOU July ’11)
$0.50 after coupon!
the $1 coupon from All you doesn’t work on the wipes, it beeps I tired last weekend. They said it was only good for the paper towels or toilet paper and not the 4 pack 🙁
Yah The new coupon does say, not used on the 4 pack tissue, this stinks huh =(
last month I used my All You Q on the 4 pack, guess not anymore…
Yah the July coupon from All You does say “any 1 white cloud product” So it might workout…, I havent tryed this one yet, maybe I will soon. Thanks Paul
That’s weird. Both issues of All You, my coupon says it’s for toilet paper and NOT the 4pk. Of course not~that would be too good of a deal! If I’m going to use cheap toilet paper, it better be cheap to buy! lol
may all you the white cloud is any product, june excludes 4 pack, july is any white cloud again.
I just used the June coupon- and it says $1 off ANY White Cloud Product (excludes 4 pk)… I bought the wipes and it beeped, but the cashier read it and said it didn’t exclude the wipes so she pushed it thru!
Yeah I just bought 2 packs of the wipes today.I used the all you coupons also.The cashier got hateful and read every last line of the coupon,saying it shows Tolit paper.I pointed to $1.00 off “Any White Cloud Product”.She rolled her eyes at me and huffed, but put the coupon in.SO I got them for 50 cents each..Horrayy!!!
I was able to use the $1 off any WC product today on their version of Pull-Ups. However, it beeped and the cashier called help over for approval.
Well you guys are lucky to have reasonable cashiers. No matter how i explained the coupon didnt have any exclusion on the wipes. I wish they would listen more to the customer… But oh well cant win them all. What bothers me most is that i am so honest last time i went there i used a 5 dollar check from similac the cashier put the whole amount of the transaction, didnt charge me anything. I went to customer service and payed them. It sucks that they give us such a hard time on just a dollar!
i tried using the coupon today with no luck, no matter how u try explaining to the cashier or csm they said it was for toilet paper only!!! i will try again in a couple of days, see what happens LOL
White Cloud is the store brand for Walmart. White Cloud that the coupon is to be used for is for Kruder Products, Inc. they manufacture the toilet paper. This is a trademark issue between Kruder, P&G, Scott Tissue and Walmart. Another words using the coupon on the Wipes is NOT going to work. It is the wrong product.