- You MUST Set a Spending Budget: Only spend what you can afford! Do not accumulate debt to buy presents, there have been many Christmas Gift that have come from our stockpile or were baked in our home!
- Make a Gift List: Write down everyone you plan on buying a gift for. Break them into price levels and set a price limit on each gift at that level. It sounds simple but it makes it much easier and you can adjust the price up or down based on the number of people you are buying gifts for.
- Do Your Homework: Use popular Savings websites like I Heart the Mart or MyLitter to compare Black Friday Prices. You can also do well using apps like Red Laser to compare prices of items.
- Buddy System: Two brains are always better than one when looking for deals. It is also a great way to divide and conquer a Black Friday Sale in a sale.
- Bring Store Ads with You: Store ads can be a HUGE help if you are buying multiple gifts and are at a store that price matches. Here are a few stores that price match: Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Kohls, Macy’s, and Academy.
Extra: Shop Online While you are in the store to score multiple hot Black Friday Deals!
Complete List of Black Friday Ads By Store
Check out the Store Opening Times
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