Over at Hip 2 Save a reader posted about a sweet deal she was able to get at Walmart using the $5 JMS coupon in the May All You magazine. It is on page 14. Look for clearance items.
“According to reader, Brittany, lots of JMS Sportswear is on clearance for under $5. She was able to find JMS pants on clearance for $3, so FREE + $2 in overage to go towards other items! She then used that overage to purchase another All You magazine for FREE. It’s on roll back for only $1.88, so you may want to purchase a couple of issues.” Thanks Hip 2 Save.
I just came back from Walmart I got a cut tank top for Free.
Denim Capris are $16, so $11 w/the coupon! Bought 2 pairs…
I dragged my hubby ( well ot really) to kill this deal. I used my copy plus 6 more copies from the store, scored 7 pairs of Pants to Donate! Our rockstar cashier let us rip the q’s oout all at once so we could pay for them right then and there. 87 cents was our grand total ( got a diet coke and pack of gum to avoid the long wait for the csm to come and ok Overage).Thanksforthe heads up!!
Got a $3 sweater and $5 tank top with 2 coupons so $2 overage. If you’re not plus size, a lot of the tops would make good sleep shirts. 🙂
I just had to post a big THANK YOU!!! I needed to get shredded cheese and lettuce for dinner tonight so I planned to make a quick trip to WalMart.I looked at your site before I headed out and I noticed this thread. When I got to WalMart I realized that I had left my wallet at home and for a brief moment I thought I was stuck! But… then I remembered that I am a couponer and where there is a will there is a way. So… since I have a double subscription to All You and I had my coupon binder with me, I went shopping. I got my cheese, lettuce, (4) 3-packs of Ivory, (2) Bic razors, and (2) JMS sweatshirts on clearance for $3. When I was done at the register…. they gave me $.30!!! Again, THANK YOU for the post!