There is a really high value Coupon for $5.00 off Sarna Anti-Itch Lotion. I am not sure if this reset or just available again. If you need some anti itch cream this is the best stuff that I know of! I posted this story before but I know if someone is going through this now this is information they will want to have!!!!
When Tiffany was pregnant with our last child she developed “Puppp” and itched so bad she would tear fingernails trying to scratch. This is the only stuff that provided any relief to her. Yes, we tried EVERYTHING. It didn’t make it totally go away, but it made it kinda bearable. Finally after months of total agony we did find the one cure for Puppp, unfortunately it hurts really bad also, but in her condition it was inevitable… The cure was childbirth!
Sarna Anti-Itch Lotion: $10.32
$5.00 off Printable Coupon
Total: $5.32
I can’t believe it! I’ve never heard of anyone else having PUPPP! I did with my oldest twenty years ago and it was the WORST! I used this stuff (at that time it was prescription only) and it was like MAGIC! Ah sweet relief!
is this better than hydrocortisone cream/calamyne. my daughter had a rosea rash and it itching like crazy
OMG… I had Puppp with my pregnancy too (4 years ago)and it was a complete nightmare! I wish I had known about Sarna! It may have helped me get a little more sleep. I went 4 days past my due date and thought I would die Tiffany!
I had it with my first child too. My O.B. doctor didn’t even know what it was. It wasn’t until I Googled my own syndromes that I went to a local Regent Care that I found a doctor who knew what to do. I wish I had this lotion then it would have helped.
Anyone know if it would help with the itchiness of Excema?
Walgreens has this on sale this week for $7.99, so $2.99 after this coupon. it isnt in the regular lotion isle, it is in the first aid isle with the cortaid/cortisone creams.
Been using Sarna Anti-Itch Lotion for over a year,couldn’t do with out it
Been using Sarna Anti-Itch Lotion for over a year,couldn’t do with out it
what else am I suspose to say???????
Sarna anti-itch lotion works good for me