If you have an Albertsons in your area, be sure to check your local ad for this hot deal. Print out the $0.55 off when you buy ONE Post Pebbles cereal coupon and you an score Cereal for only $1.33. If you have 2 computers be sure to print out 4 coupons and not only score cereal for $1.33 but you will also receive a free gallon of milk.
NOTE: This deal can’t be price matched at Walmart, you will have to head over to Albertsons. Pebbles Cereal: $1.88
$0.55 off when you buy ONE Post Pebbles cereal
Total: $1.33
Buy 4 boxes of Pebbles Cereal: $1.88
1 Gallon of Milk
Use 4 $0.55 off when you buy ONE Post Pebbles cereal
Submit $0.50 Milk Ibotta Deposit
Total: $4.82 or $0.96 each item
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