There is another Reynolds Wrap coupon that you can print today, this one is for $2.50 off any 200 foot box. These are priced at $8.48 and will pretty much last you forever! Look under zip code 06607 and “household” it was on the 4th page for me.
Buy Reynolds Wrap 200ft. $8.48
Use $2.50 off 1 200ft or more Reynolds Wrap
Total: $5.98
Don’t forget the $1.50/1 Reynolds Wrap Foil, it makes for a pretty sweet deal at Walmart! The coupon does specify that it has to be 35 sq. ft or larger. Walmart carries the 50 sq. ft rolls of foil for $2.98. It’s BBQ weather outside so it is time to stock up!
Reynolds Wrap Foil: $2.98 50 sq. ft reg and 35 sq. ft non stick
$1.50 off one package of Reynolds Wrap Foil
Total: $1.48
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