Hayneedle.com is giving away $100.00 credit on their site to 1 extremely lucky I Heart the Marter. I have actually ordered a HAAN Steam Station and just love it. I HATE spending money on drycleaning. It does two really cool things, it steams clothes to take out wrinkles but is also a home sanitizer that can be used on carpet, drapes, furniture and many other things. That comes in really handy with 9 people and 2 dogs in our house. I know this is gonna save us money and keep me from forgetting my drycleaning when I need a work shirt. Check out their site: www.hayneedle.com. The hardest thing I had was actually choosing something, they have literally everything from outdoor furniture to gift baskets.
Win It:
One I Heart The Mart reader will win a $100 to Hayneedle!
How To Enter:
Make sure to “like” me on Facebook, come back here and leave a comment.
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Then go on over and take a look at all the other giveaways:
Check out what else you can win!
All 13 Bloggers are giving away $100 Cash from Ebates and $100 Gift Certificate to Hayneedle.com. In addition each blogger has the following giveaways exclusively at their blog.
Stockpiling Moms – Tassimo Bosch T20 Homebrewing Station, Retail Value $129.99, $75.00 to Azulio.com, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
MoJo Savings –Johnston’s Cashmere Throw, Retail Value $100, Calvin Klein Leather Purse, Retail Value $120, (5) Envirosax Retail Value $6 each, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
We Use Coupons – 3 Days, 2 Nights at Beachfront Caravelle Resort in Myrtle Beach, SC, Retail Value $180, Tassimo Bosch T20 Homebrewing Station, Retail Value $129.99, $75 Gift Certificate to Vera Bradley, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
Dealicious Finds – $100 Gift Certificate to Stella & Dot Jewelry, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, $50 Gift Certificate to Sew Crazy Creating, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
A Few Shortcuts – $100 Molly Maids Gift Card, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, Popcorn Factory Spring Popcorn Tin, Ambrosia Candies Gift Basket, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Wicked Cool Deals – Kindle, Value $139, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Frugal Living and Having Fun –Kodak Easy Share Camera 3x Optical Zoom , 10 Mega Pixels, 2.5″ LCD (Blue) $80 Value, $100 Gift Card (Winners Choice of Kohl’s, JC Penny, Walmart or Target, $35.00 to KaBloom Flowers, $40 Gift Certificate to Shoe Mall (Free Shipping), $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
A Thrifty Mom – $118 in Products from Chef Wood Products, $50 Restaurant.comGift Card, 40 Coupon Inserts (Value, $1850.00), $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
I Heart The Mart – Coach Purse, Retail Value, $275, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
Christian Clippers – Tassimo Bosch T20 Homebrewing Station, Black, Retail Value $129.99, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, Things Remembered Digital Photo Key Chain (Engraving Included), Retail Value $85, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Addicted To Saving – $100 Picaboo Gift Certificate, Apple iPod Shuffle 2GB, $50 FragranceNet.com Gift Certificate, $50 Coldwater Creek Gift Certificate, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Saving with Amy – 5 Snapily eGift Certificates, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, $25 Amazon Gift Card, $20 Target eGift Card, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Smart Couponing – $100 Macy’s Gift Card, Burberry Brit 3.3 oz Eau De Parfum, Retail Value, $90, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
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Great giveaway! I hope I win.
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Just found your site. i am very excited to follow you. Pick me 🙂
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would love to win coach or steam station!!! thankws
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Heather Ford
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I would love to win this. Been a fan on facebook for quite some time:-)
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I always look forward to the deals on your site!! Thanks so much.
Oppps, if you can please remove my last name from my previous post..thanks!
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There are lots of things I love on their site, but we really need a futon, so I’d get the Ameriwood Basic Futon Set.
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I follow you by emails. I so want want of these steamers. Thanks.
Wow! what a kewl thing. Would love it and my husband would be soooo happy!
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This would be great! I’ve done the dryer steaming method many times!
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