There are 10 Hot Baby and Formula Coupons Available right now on These are all under 77380 right now, just click on any coupon and then hit the tab that says “BABY” under Zip 77380! The Paren’t Choice Formula is only $7.88 after Coupon!
[…] I Heart the Mart for the formula deal and […]
I’m just curious if you, Paul, or anyone knows how long this product lasts, my friend is having a baby, but not for a few more months.
unopened the shelf life is around 6 months I believe. The exp dates are on the containers.
My Parent’s Choice formula just bought the other day is good till Oct 2014. I also just bought some Enfamil (double box) and they are good till Mar 2013. I highly suggest your friend start signing up with different baby companies to receive monthly vendor coupons. Plus, aside from checking your ads, check the clearanced sections. I find perfectly good formula that is being clearanced because the box corner became torn, bent, or a can got a dent (but did not pierce open the product–I check these things VERY carefully). I also find baby food and diapers this way. So long as the barcode is not lined through, coupons can be used on these products. The best deal I’ve gotten yet was the double box of formula that normally retails @ $32.99. The store had temporarily slashed the price to $16.99. I used the store AND manufacturer coupon and got it down to $8! Your friend (and her family) can’t afford not to look for the deals. It’s how I make it work for our family of 5….
I enjoy this website – its so usefull and helpfull