I am giving away 10 full coupon inserts from CouponBeat!!
Many of you ask -“Paul, how do you get so many awesome coupons?” Here is one of my methods, coupon clipping services. Couponbeat.com is a fairly new service, but here is what I really like about it. Crystal is a big couponer herself. Thant means she knows what we expect and she puts a high priority on customer service and getting it right. She knows that time matters when you’re trying to have a killer trip. Click HERE to sign up for a free account with Coupon Beat.
Win It:
One I Heart The Mart reader will win a 10 inserts from Coupon Beat.
How To Enter:
Make sure to “like” me on Facebook, come back here and leave a comment.
Additional Entries:
If you want more chances to win, you can have additional entries, but you have to do the first one for the rest to count! That one is easy, just like me on Facebook.
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Then go on over and take a look at all the other giveaways:
Check out what else you can win!
All 13 Bloggers are giving away $100 Cash from Ebates and $100 Gift Certificate to Hayneedle.com. In addition each blogger has the following giveaways exclusively at their blog.
Stockpiling Moms – Tassimo Bosch T20 Homebrewing Station, Retail Value $129.99, $75.00 to Azulio.com, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
MoJo Savings –Johnston’s Cashmere Throw, Retail Value $100, Calvin Klein Leather Purse, Retail Value $120, (5) Envirosax Retail Value $6 each, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
We Use Coupons – 3 Days, 2 Nights at Beachfront Caravelle Resort in Myrtle Beach, SC, Retail Value $180, Tassimo Bosch T20 Homebrewing Station, Retail Value $129.99, $75 Gift Certificate to Vera Bradley, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
Dealicious Finds – $100 Gift Certificate to Stella & Dot Jewelry, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, $50 Gift Certificate to Sew Crazy Creating, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
A Few Shortcuts – $100 Molly Maids Gift Card, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, Popcorn Factory Spring Popcorn Tin, Ambrosia Candies Gift Basket, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Wicked Cool Deals – Kindle, Value $139, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Frugal Living and Having Fun –Kodak Easy Share Camera 3x Optical Zoom , 10 Mega Pixels, 2.5″ LCD (Blue) $80 Value, $100 Gift Card (Winners Choice of Kohl’s, JC Penny, Walmart or Target, $35.00 to KaBloom Flowers, $40 Gift Certificate to Shoe Mall (Free Shipping), $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
A Thrifty Mom – $118 in Products from Chef Wood Products, $50 Restaurant.comGift Card, 40 Coupon Inserts (Value, $1850.00), $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
I Heart The Mart – Coach Purse, Retail Value, $275, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
Christian Clippers – Tassimo Bosch T20 Homebrewing Station, Black, Retail Value $129.99, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, Things Remembered Digital Photo Key Chain (Engraving Included), Retail Value $85, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Addicted To Saving – $100 Picaboo Gift Certificate, Apple iPod Shuffle 2GB, $50 FragranceNet.com Gift Certificate, $50 Coldwater Creek Gift Certificate, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Saving with Amy – 5 Snapily eGift Certificates, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, $25 Amazon Gift Card, $20 Target eGift Card, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Smart Couponing – $100 Macy’s Gift Card, Burberry Brit 3.3 oz Eau De Parfum, Retail Value, $90, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
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I follow you on your site and Facebook. My family already refers to me as the “Coupon Queen” this would fit my title nicely 🙂
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Paul I am new to couponing and would love some coupons. 🙂
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I receive the daily emails and use them to compile my list for the week thanks for a great walmart site!
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Hi Paul! I am so thankful for this blog. Most of my shopping is done at WM, so this helps me out A LOT! You are added on Facebook and I look forward to the newsletters you email out. Keep up the fantastic work!
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I’ve liked I Heart the Mart on FB for a while now! So glad my friend told me about your site a long time ago!!
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I already like you on FB:)Tanya Wilson
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I would love to have some more freebies
I love your sight and all of the great information that it provides.
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Thanks for all the couponing help!
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Hi, I just started couponing 2 weeks ago and you have already saved my family $25! I follow you on FB and you blog. I also follow your wife (I heard of you through her page!) Thanks so much for all you guys do, it helps us out a lot!!
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I HEART iheartthemart!! I follow you on Youtube, FB, and RSS. I love all these giveaways!! BTW, is it winner’s choice on which inserts they win?
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I like on facebook but refresh the website about a 100 times a day!
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Would love to win 🙂
I LIKE YOU ON FACEBOOK, and Subscribed via Email and Youtube, Thanks Paul
I love your site. It’s great to be able to save even more when you shop Wal Mart.
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Love your site – so helpful!!
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I follow you on facebook! Thanks for all the hard work !
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I have your blog bookmarked, subscribe to your feed and follow you on Facebook. Same with your wife. Love you both. I also have an account with Coupon Beat.
Thank you for all you money saving tips and hard work 🙂
I liked you on Facebook!! Thanks for keeping us all informed on the great Walmart deals!!
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I like you on Facebook. Gotta love full inserts! 🙂
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I “like”d you because I couldn’t find the Love button 🙂 Just started couponing so this is simply fabulous!!!!!
Your blog ROCKS!
thank you !
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Great Video!
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I’m new to couponing.this would help a lot! Goodluck everyone!
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I liked you on face book and youtube. i also signed up for couponbeat.com. pick me please!!!!!!!!!!!
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Wow Paul another great giveaway…I follow you on FB, get your e-mails and follow your blog and I am now signed up with couponbeat.com. Great lead on a clipping service with great reviews!
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Now following on your blog, newsletter, facebook, and youtube! 🙂
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You are the best!
I liked you on Facebook! I would absolutely love that Coach Purse!!!! 🙂 I love your blog and check it daily.
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OMGosh! You’ve got me hook, line and sinker! I stumbled onto your site one day and have been addicted to couponing ever since! I eat, sleep and breathe coupons! Just can’t get enough and I, too, heart the mart! Thanks!
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I been reading and friended you on FB. Enjoy shopping deals at Wally World…..
Paul, I’ve always “liked’ you but now it is official!
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I follow on Facebook and just subscribed for email updates! TY
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Been “Liking” you for awhile now, view your blog everyday!
I just liked you on facebook and subscribed to you newsletter. I have to tell you that I did price matching and used coupons Saturday at my lovely Walmart and came out a very happy person all in ONE trip. Love all you do for us savers
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I love your site and Tiffany’s too! You guys are AMAZING!
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I LIKED you on facebook because I LOVE coupons!
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Newbie to couponing! I check your site as well as your wife’s everyday for good deals. Thanks for all the info/tips you give out!
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Another newbie…i’m just 2 weeks in and having fun. I’m a stay at home mom, so I am determined to do all I can to help my family out. Thank you for all of your direction!
I liked your facebook page and I love couponing!!
I am very new to couponing and really love your site as we don’t have too many shopping stores around. So I live at Wal-Mart ! Thanks to your site I now am finally saving at Wal-Mart instead of giving them my pay roll !
Thank you and I appreciate the hard work you do to keep this site up.
Everyone really should subscribe to “Heart the Mart” every way they can!
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just liked you on facebook and subscribed to your newsletter! hope i win the inserts!!
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i like you on facebook! would LOVE some coupons!!
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thanks for the great site and all the info, i had my first trip to walmart and left with 2 bags full and spent only $1.56. i could use more coupons!
I love , love, love your blog!! Great info! Keep up the good work!
I like you on facebook and subscribed to your newsletters. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win the coupon inserts!!
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Love the site! Super helpful!
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I started following your blog about a month ago, I just liked your Facebook page today. I LOVE Walmart, thank you SO much for all the great deals!
I already liked you on Facebook. By the way, addorable baby!!
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i already ‘liked ‘ you on FB , i love your web site and your news letters they r great!!!!
I “like” you! 🙂
Thanks for all of the great info 🙂
Your newsletter has helped me save lots of money for my family. In these trying financial times this has truly been a blessing. Thanks for all you do.
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I like you on facebook. 🙂
So glad to have found you! Can’t deny that I’m impressed that not only are you a guy, but as dedicated as you are! Sure wish other men were as patient as you seem with matters. Thank-you for your alliance with Wal-Mart. It helps to have an ambassador in the coupon world! Thanks again! And I LIKED ” I HEART THE MART” on Facebook. Amanda J. Null in Georgia
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I could definitely use these coupons… I follow on FB. Thanks!
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you are my favorite site!!
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Love your site. Who knew Walmart could be so cheap!
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I “like” you on facebook…and your website too!!! Keep up the great work! Beautiful baby by the way!
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I would love to have these!I am a new to coupons and trying to put a stock pile together for my family of 5.My husbands in the military and he leaves for deployments alot and would love to have everything stocked so I wont have to walk with the kiddos to do grocery with my stroller because I do not drive.These would be very much appreciated!God Bless
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I liked you on facebook. Also loved watching you and your family on TLC’s Extreme Couponing!
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I follow you on Facebook and by E-mail, would love to win the coupon inserts!!
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Not sure if we’re supposed to do the “daily entry” thing here, so this is just in case.
Have started using this site every week, thanks for the effort you put in to make this site great!
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For some reason I thought that the coupon inserts were inside the coach purse. haha! I am entered into both now!
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Like you on fb!!!!! Still new at this and stocking up on coupons!!!! Thanks a ton for your price matching!!!
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I heart the mart on facebook! 🙂
I love all the information you put out,
Thank you, Your’e the best.
Dawn M.
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Thanks for all you do to pay it forward with your knowledge! I heart the mart onfacebook!
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I follow you on fb & email!!! Would love to win!
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“like” you on facebook, and I am now subscribed to you on Youtube, and I was already a newsletter person. 🙂 Love the site, it has helped me with my couponing, keep up the awesome work!
Liked on Facebook. What a wonderful new resource! Thanks much
I Heart the Mart too!! Love this site!
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Hope I win the coupons!
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Liked the Mart on FB. Booked marked as my top go to!
I follow you (and your wifey) on FB. Love your page!
Just found your site a few days ago. I have ‘like’d you on FB and subscribe to your newsletter, not to mention check out the website daily!!! Lots of great info. Now if I can win those coupon inserts I will have a head start on my savings!!!!
I like Iheartthemart on FB. And, you guys rock for sharing all the good deals with us. It makes a difference…
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I already “liked ” you on facebook. I would LOVE to win the 10 inserts from Coupon Mart. How does this type of site work ? Does it end up being way cheaper to buy the coupon inserts only verses buying several newspapers?
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I love your site I heart the Mart. It has helped me tremendously with answering alot of my questions because I am so new at this. Keep up the good work.
More coupons! Yeah!!
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I follow your website. Thanks for all of the great ideas.
Thanks for all the heads up on all the good deals. I really enjoy reading your emails.
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Very nice giveaways!
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Thanks for the contests
I just love your site! It is so helpful to know the best deals at Walmart and what coupons to use. Thanks!
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And I love the Ivanovsky"s for all thier help!!
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I heart the mart on fb!!!
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s/n: hippychickadee88
Thanks for all you do!! =)
I subscribe to I heart the mart. This is an awesome site for couponing at Walmart. Thanks.
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Love the information I have found here! I am new to all of this!!!
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Love following your posts!!
I love Walmart! We live 3 min away from one could be the main reason! 🙂 Love reading your post and saving!
I love you on facebook, Thanks 🙂
I liked you on facebook. IHEARTTHEMART!!!!!!
I “Liked” you on FB. Thanks! 🙂
Thanks Rebecca, I hope you still “like” me after this. That giveaway was run a few months ago. I am continually doing giveaways though, so stay tuned!
I liked you on Facebook.I love heartthe mart.