Please disregard the previous disasters I posted. I finally found my ad, someone had thrown our local paper away(GASP) I salvaged the Walmart Ad and my inserts. I have decided to start totally fresh with this post. Thanks for all the help, I obviously needed it tonight. HERE is a the deal!
Scrubbing Bubbles One Step Automatic Cleaner: $3.97 (Starts 10/2/11)
$4.00 off Printable Coupon– Gone but look what I found. You have options.
$4/1 Scrubbing Bubbles 1 Step Cleaning Starter Kit, exp. 10/22/11 (SS 09/11/11 #2)
Total = Free + Overage $.03
There is also a Mail in Form to receive a Free Plush Scrubby! I mean who doesn’t want that?
The $4 printable is still available on Scrubbing Bubble’s Facebook page! Click on the one step dance off tab, or here’s the link:
Thanks Sarah.
TY Sarah!
Thanks a bunch!
I am not finding the coupon on their Facebook page and I followed the link. Any tips?
Also, you may find a $5 off coupon in the August 2011 Food Network magazine for a $1.03 Overage
I ot the $5 in Womans Day or some other place. – Yea – In TN with 9.5% tax on your pre-coupon toal with a $4 coupon they cost 0.35. Like free but it adds up.
for reals all month i havent been able to get the febreeze holder thing some lady would take her kids in there and get them all! oi. they dont even have the smelly thing in it! all that tax paid oi. oh well i finally got one to do my rebate at least all I needed
So the sale starts this Sunday?
yes sunday the 2nd
Purchased some of these a few weeks ago when randalls had thier bogo sale…look for $ 3 coupons inside for the kit and $ 1 off for refills
How do I get the mail in form for the scrubby?
It is in the 9/11 SS with the coupon!
No scrubby form with my q – must be regional. Thanks for the heads up about this deal and thanks to Sarah for the FB printable info!
The mail in form was not on the same page as the coupon it was a few pages farther back. Hope that helps!
Right@Home is offering a $3.00 off coupon on this product. It’s not a freebie, but it’s cheap! That would make it only .97 cents.
Thanks Sarah, I just went to facebook and printed off my $4 coupon. Plus they have some other coupons you can print on the site.
Whoo hoo! Great deal. Hope it works well.. but since it’s free.. who’s to complain lol Quick question, after midnight this deal will start? does the computers automatically set it up? I am so swamped on sunday, the best time I think I can go will have to be around 12-1am, plus its not so crowded lol. Thanks again!
after midnight this deal will start?
I’d love to know the answer to this aswell
Yes, it is supposed to. I will tell you that my store doesn’t have these stocked yet.
when does walmart’s sale start i know sunday but at any particular time?
I think it’s safe to assume these will fly off the shelves….are these raincheckable?!
Are these applied to ANY Walmart nationwide?
couldn’t find these in my local ad online. maybe they will be in the printed ad paper when i get it.
These are not valid for rain checks. It is a one time buy, unfortunately. Some stores do indeed have this out already and the price is active. You may want to head out and check it as I saw them flying off the shelf at a local store.
If they are out at Walmart, can you price match at Target?
Yes! I have price matched at Target. They only request that you bring the actual Walmart ad (not a print off) and take the item to Customer Service for checkout.
I did this yesterday at Target with no issues! 2 for free! Woo!
I was told that one-time offers are not price matched.
How long does this promotion last?
does one time offer mean i can only purchase one at this price or i just can’t get a reincheck?
No coupon in my Houston Chronicle
that’s what i thought too, because i didn’t get one in my sunday subscription, but when i went to the recycling center, i found the second ss insert that was not in my paper that contained the q! and it was from the chronicle bc it said so on the sleeve. i guess some areas received the insert, while others did not
I just went to Wal-Mart and they would only let me purchase one with a coupon. You can not get a raincheck on this item. I hope somebody else has better luck than I did.
I went to Walmart after midnight and they came up as the sale price.
I do have a question about the plush scrubby. I do not see a linit to household or send the recipt. Do you know if I can get more than one and can I just clip the upc and send it in? All the rebates I have ever sent in all ask for the recipt. I know some kids who will be very habby about this cute scrubby guy! Just wondering.
Thanks Paul for all that you do!
Wow! I can tell its late. *limit *happy
Was ringing up at 9.97 after midnight in college station/Bryan area…:(
Same here in Luray VA….are they on sale everywhere???
So, I managed to score 4 of these wonderful coupons. Was EXCITED. Found myself still up at midnite and thought I’d head over to the Walmart and pick mine up before they were gone. Well, they rang up at $9.47, I told the cashier the local ad online says these should be $3.97 starting 10/2 and I had the ad pulled up on my Bberry ready to show her. She called a CSM, and this lady IMMEDIATLY started yelling at me the moment she approached the register “WE DO NOT MATCH OUR ONLINE PRICES PERIOD!” I was floored at this woman’s behavior. I responded with “May I speak with YOUR supervisor?”
Blah blah blah much MUCH drama later the second manager finally let me have these at the price on the ad….
Then the cashier didnt want to let me use the coupon. This woman actually told me “This is a double coupon and I cant let you use it” I asked “How is this a double coupon? Its ONE coupon…”
Anyway I stood my ground (and I’m usually pretty passive) got my free kits and left, a little embarrassed and with a much higher blood pressure than I should ever have over some toilet cleaner. I’m so disgusted with the ‘customer’ service I receive anymore at Walmart. Very disappointing.
I went to walmart and purchased several off these but one of then rang up as $9.97. The actual scrubbing bubbles one step that is 3.97 has a yellow stripe running down the right side of the product saying free refill and etc. picture in the ad. The scrubbing bubbles that rings up without the yellow stripe rings up as 9.97. that one is completly green.
Ringing up full price in Central Alabama too, and no print ads in paper this week!
I lived in RI and I guess its not sale here its only regional. Goodluck to everyone!
I went to Wal Mart this morning to pick one up. They had lots of starter kits but they were all ringing up at $9.97 and I was told they didn’t have the sale version in stock. Bummer.
Me too. After several other customers questioned why they weren’t ringing up on sale, the cashiers and CSM’s went crazy. First of all, they didn’t even know what was on sale in the ad and went on a wild goose chase in the store trying to find them. Unfortunately for me and the other customers, we were told that the cleaners we had were not the special buy ones and they would not adjust the price. They did not seem to have any clue if they had them in the back or if they were getting them at all. How frustrating!!!
I live in California. All of the Walmarts in Bakersfield are completely out, including the warehouse, but the Walmart in Santa Clarita had 2 DIFFERENT starter kits: one at 9.97 and one at 3.97 (different boxes). They had tons of them! I wish I had had more than 3 coupons!
So I went to Walmart and they had some of these on the self. When I got the checkout they rang up $9.97. I brought out my paper and said they are $3.97. They said the picture did not match. The one in the picture had a yellow strip on the box and the box I had did not have a yellow strip on it. So they would not match the price. Even though the every thing else was the same. Walmart just makes me so mad and the are so hard to work with. I am about done with walmart all together.
Been to 4 Wal-Mart’s, no one has the kit that is pictured, they have the item with the same thing they have advertised with a starter kit and refill in the box, but that rings up $9.47, it seems to me that no store is South Florida has gotten them. One manager told me they should be on the truck tonight and they will get about 50 of them, he told me they aren’t big sellers, I told him that there is a $4.00 coupon that you can use with the item, he laughed and said, it doesn’t matter, he still wont sell out of them
BTW, went to 2 Target stores this morning, and they didn’t carry that item.
my walmart didnt get them either, but she also told me they were not accepting the 4 coupon either, that there supplier told them not to take them. walmart is still having issues
Is there a place online I can print this add with the date? I just went to my wal-mart and they aren’t on sale or ringing up for that price.
Only the one with the Yellow stripe in ringing up at $3.97, that is one marked $3.97 as a one time offer, that’s what they told me.
All the Walmart’s in South Florida didn’t get any as of this afternoon, manager told me they should be in later tonight.
also $9.97 in Indianapolis…and I didn’t get a Walmart ad in my paper today. bogus.
I went with coupons in hand (GA) & had an awful experience. None of the registers had local sales ads and the manager had to confirm the scrubbing bubbles were on sale for 3.97. After waiting 20+ mins, (and a lengthy discussion between the cashier and manager – the cashier was the one being difficult – because my box stated “New” unlike the picture in the ad, the cashier didn’t want to honor it) I was told by that I could not purchase the 3 in my cart with 3 coupons (which clearly stated one coupon per purchase). I’m not an extreme cpnr who walks away with hundreds of dollars of merchandise for very little (I’m tickled to spend $5 on $30 worth). Be prepared to face similar problems. I will be calling corporate
went to walmart last night around 8 ish w my six q’s and found the 2 different boxes of sb. there were exactly 6 on the shelf with the yellow stripe as advertised in the ad, and close to 20 of the ones without the yellow strip on the box. i went to the scanner to check both, the one w the yellow stripe rang up on sale and the other did not. i guess they programmed only the ones with the yellow stripe to be on sale even though they contain the same things.
We had a display in the store that showed a sign for like $10 so I price checked it and it rang up only $3-something so I got 6 of them for free!! The cashier was like, “what are you going to do with all these and how do they work?” They are so funny.
I went to Walmart this morning in Ohio around 9 am, the only ones I Could find were ringing up $9.47. I found the ad in the store which had the $3.97 advertised in them. I took the ad & one of the $9.47 ones to customer service. I asked if this was the one on sale & stated that it was ringing up $9.47. She looked at the box & said the description on the box matched the ad, the box was just different. She told me to tell the cashier to adjust the price. I was able to purchase 4 & use $4 coupons on them with no problems! Maybe I was just lucky, but it doesn’t hurt to ask!
I went this morning with my 9 coupons for $4 off. (no, I don’t have 9 toilets, but with 9, I won’t have to pay for refills for a while) The in-store display had $8.97 so I asked a CSM. She scanned for a price check and it came up $9.97. The box was not the same as the picture in the ad but the contents listed were the same. She said they would give it to me at the advertised price. No problem at the register. Just told the cashier what the CSM said, she rang up all of them at the $3.97 price and took my coupons. I had a bunch of price matches for B1G1 items from Publix, Food World and Walgreens and didn’t have a problem. She didn’t even ask for my ads. I had everything written on a list and read her the prices from it. She seemed a little annoyed but didn’t say anything. When I got home and opened one of the boxes, there were 2 coupons for $3 off starter kit and a B1G1 q for a refill!!!
My store rank up 9.47 also, but they overrode the price down to 3.97. Didn’t have the yellow strip on the side but they let me buy at 3.97…used all my coupons and picked up 8. Sweet deal! Although, they check out lady and customer service lady were very mad when I showed them my $4.00 off coupon. Also, got the cover girl deal overage and the schick overage. needless to say, they were not too happy with me.
Is the Facebook coupon still available because I can’t seem to find it. Thanks!
I had 8 coupons and ended up with 6 products (still happy!) But the manager (who of course got called) wouldn’t let me use 2 of my coupons because they were printed in black/white instead of color (!) The only answer she would give is ‘because i said so’… it was 6:30 in the morning and I didn’t feel like fighting because I was at least getting 6 for free. Walmart managers can be hard to stomach!
I went to walmart today at 1 pm and started looking for the kits. Couldn’t find any on the shelves or any on end caps. Asked an associate and he said he would look in the back. He came back with a box and said they didn’t have a place for them so they kept them there. Thank goodness for his willingness to help. Got my kits and used coupons no problem.
Ringing up for $9.97 at my Walmart also. Was told that it has to be the box with the yellow stripe on it which states it comes with a refill even though the box they had in stock was the same product, a starter kit with a refill.
That is the wrong product. it will ring up for $3.97
I called my local wal-mart this morning and they said not all stores are having this sale, if your regional ad does not show it, then they aren’t doing it. Mine is not, and the nearest one is 60 miles round trip. Needless to say my 5 coupons will remain unused, grrr.
PAUL, What is the deal with my local Walmart? Went this morning they did not have the one step for 3.97 (It was 8.97!), they were out of the Brita pitchers, I’ve never been able to find the Bissell sStomp and go’s and they didn/t have any Robitussin to go’s. the only thing i noticed they did have were the febreze noticables which seemed to be missing the entire time the coupons were valid! 1) Is the Scrubbing bubble sale supposed to be national? 2) Does Walmart intentionally not stock items which they know will be free?
When I went to my local store yesterday I was told they wouldn’t go on sale until Monday, so I returned this morning hoping to get mine for free. I could not find them anywhere and when I asked an employee he stated that they were “lost” somewhere in the back. I asked if I could have the one off the shelf for the ad priced and was told they were also in the back. I had to fight to get one, and then when I whipped out my coupon I was told Walmart don’t do coupons that exceed the price of the product. GRR! I told her that I would go home and check to see if that was the policy. The cashier was so mad she finally took the coupon, beat in the price of the coupon on the keyboard, ripped off the receipt and practically threw it at me.
Oh no, that’s terrible! So sorry you had to go through that Kimberley! I hope I have better luck! I haven’t seen these at all in my store, just the $9.97 ones. I was in a hurry to get to another store before it closed, so I didn’t have time to ask, but I’m definitely going to ask when I go again tomorrow!
I just came from my Walmart in Las Vegas… was ringing at $9.97
CSM told me that the $3.97 sale is not in the Las Vegas region. I was tired so i politely said “thank you very much” and left. As I was leaving, he snickered “only cheap people come for the deals.”. I fired back “and only a-holes are managers at Walmart. How’s your HS diploma working for you?”. He hated it…oh well. He should have keep his mouth shut….I am always polite to people.
The Wal-mart in Ohio only had one box of these for sale! I brought my mom to grab the local Sunday papers and rememberd that it was the 2nd and rushed over to Wal-mart at 8 in the morning. I seen one woman in the asking a stock boy if there were any in the back.. so I asked my mom if we could stick with her. The store didnt have the Ad and had to find some in the back. Once I came back with the ad, the woman and my mother were thanking the stock boy for bringing up the box that had 6 of the 3.97 price in the only box. The woman grabed one, mom and I grabed one. With only one 4.00 coupon I had rememberd there were coupons in the first scrubing toliet that I had bought. Ran back, to use the other 2 $ 3 dollar coupons (both in the same box we just bought) getting the last two left on the shelves. Both only coming up to 2.50…. not to bad, with only one coupon I found in my wallet, not thinking to bring my binder!!! Wal-mart employes were so nice to us, 3 ladies waiting on toliet cleaner!
I didn’t find these at all at my Walmart yesterday, not even a spot for them. Weird because they had the refills, but no starter kits. Oh well.
It seems that all the walmarts in my area that i have been to do not have the one pictured in the ad but will adjust the price of the ones they have in stock. Also I went to target and was able to have them price match the item, they were not sure if they were able to because it said ” one time only offer” in the walmart ad but they looked into their files and were able to price match and accept my coupons. Good luck everyone!
I went to see if my Walmart had gotten any in yet. I asked a cashier at the front, and she told me they had gotten a few of the ones with the yellow stripe, but then sold out right away, but she said that they were adjusting the price down to the ad price on the regular ones, so I went with it! I had 2 coupons so I got two of them. I found the coupons inside for $3 off a starter kit and B1G1 free on refills. Not sure if I’ll grab any more or not – I could either buy the refills for about $4 total or $2 each because of the B1G1, or I could just get another kit for $0.97 ($3.97-$3 Q). It would be a better deal to go with the 2nd choice – I’ll just have to go back I suppose!
Yes my Walmarts here in Northern California CSM told me that the one’s they have on the shelve’s were not the one’s on Sale for $3.97 and was going to remove them all to fix the confusion
So is this ad only good through 10/8. I couldn’t find them at one of the walmarts and the other one I forgot to check.
it is not a sale by the ad. It is from whenever the store receives their allotted amount and they sell out of them