Use this $1 off one 4pk Frusion Smoothies or 5 7oz bottles in combo with this Mail in Rebate for a FREE 4 pack and you will make a dollar for taking it out of the store! These little addictive smoothies will be $1.98 out of pocket with this coupon match up. I am not sure if you need a zip code but I found this under 77477.
Note: You do have to buy the C-Charged for the rebate. Thanks Karen!
Frusion Smoothies 4pk: $2.98
$1 off one 4pk Frusion Smoothies or 5 7oz bottles (Direct Link 77477 if needed)
Total: $1.98 OOP
Mail in Rebate for Purchase Price: $2.98 Credit
Final Price- FREE + $1.00 Money Maker
[…] This deal will work at any store but you know how Paul is partial to Walmart! […]